Today, I want to discuss the topic of internet and attraction marketing. What do these mean? And why you should care?
If you have been doing a lot of offline marketing, belly to belly, old school type marketing, you might not know what this means. Most network marketers start out this way. Old style marketing methods is what I used when I first started my home business.
I have been involved in network marketing now, for about almost two years, but I have been involved in the home business industry for five, going on six years. I was taught to make a list of family and friends and talk to them. I put out fliers, passed out business cards. I was taught to put on product parties, but never felt comfortable with that. We used to have meeting once a month too. I followed my upline's instructions and I went to just about all of my meetings every month. I was pretty dedicated.
Using the old style marketing methods was a lot of hard work, almost like a job. Since moving my business to the internet, I have found it to be much easier.
If you look at the old school marketing methods, picture it as a funnel. You have to prospect a lot of people and put them through this funnel. This funnel requires you to physically do the work. You have to either meet them, call them from a list of leads you may have purchased, talk to everyone at various places. You will get a few that signup. At the bottom of the funnel, is where the customers and distributors are placed. Now realize that this is maybe about 5% of all of the people you communicate with. The majority of the other people, nothing has transpired. All of your efforts generated very little. It is hard work. It can work, if you are willing to go through a large number of people. If you are able to sponsor people faster than they are leaving, you can attain some success. Maybe in 3 to 5 years or more you will have a business where you can finally come home, maybe....
The old type style of marketing is like, throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks. Not a good business model to follow.
Now, the attraction marketing model works quite differently. It is basically the same funnel as used in the old style of marketing. You will get the same customer/distributor ratio as in the old style marketing methods. The difference is there exists multiple tiers within the funnel. Now, when you generate leads/prospects, when you put them through your funnel, they first go through your autoresponder. Your autorepsonder is going to automatically follow-up with those leads for you for months and years to come.
Using the old style marketing methods, I was taught to follow up with my leads, using the card system, which are index cards where I had the names and phone numbers of all of my leads. I would organize them by month. So each day of the month, I knew which leads to call. If they still said no, I would move them up another month. This was not an easy task to do.
Using the autoresponder, we don't promote our business in the front-end. Why? The selling is not considered to be attractive and turns people off. Most people just don't like to be sold to. Secondly, if they don't join your business, you are unable to monetize them. You earn no money.
Using attraction marketing, you are targeting a very specific target audience. The target audience is other network marketers. So, what you do is place your funnel in front of other network marketers. Once they are in your autoresponder, either through a capture page or a link, your autorepsonder then begins to build a relationship with those prospects by promoting valuable trainings, ebooks, tools, and courses. All of these items are fully generic for any network marketer to use. Usually, these are low cost informational items that most network marketers can afford. Most serious entrepreneurs will want to purchase some of these items because they feel that it will be helpful to their business, and more often than not, the informational items in your autoresponder should be helpful.
By marketing these various products on the front-end, you will then begin to earn money; even if they don't join your business. Further down the funnel you can continue to promote more tools and other products to the prospect. In return, you are not only making upfront income on small commissions, but you are also building your network marketing company on the backend. The people who join your business, usually have already made the decision to join you, but now you are able to capitalize on various aspects of tools and courses. In addition, you are building relationships with your lead list and positioning yourself as an expert.
When other network marketers see are knowledgeable about business and marketing, all the while helping them become an expert in marketing and knowledgeable about business, more so than their upline in their current network marketing company, you will find many of them joining you in your primary business opportunity.
Using the attraction marketing business model is far more efficient than using the old style of marketing. It is also easier because it is on autopilot. This is the exact method I use for my business that has helped me to start generating leads and making more money than I ever have with any other business opportunity.
This might seem complicated, but our system actually makes it easy. The funnel that we use is exactly what I have described in the paragraphs above. Everything is laid out for you. All that is required of you is to follow instructions and customize it to you. This method is used by the 6 and 7 figure earners in this industry.
If you want to succeed in network marketing in the modern age, it is more advantageous for you to stay ahead of the competition using the attraction marketing model described here.
What you want to do now, is to take a $1.00 trial for 14 days and try out our network marketing system. This is completely risk free. In 14 days, you should be able to determine whether this is the system for you to achieve your financial and personal goals. In 14 days you should be able to make an informed decision. This is a great system that will allow you to develop the skills in network marketing and succeed in your business. If not, no worries. Just simply cancel from the system before the 14 days and your won't be billed.
I wish you much success in all of you endeavors...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What Is Internet & Attraction Marketing? Why Should I Care?
Posted by Lawren Smith at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: mlm lead system pro, mlm lead systempro, mlmleadsystempro, mlmleadsystempro review
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fear Of Risk And The Challenges It Brings
Copyright © Lawren Smith
Guide To Marketing Success
Generate Success Online
Many people fear starting a business because they feel that there is too much risk associated with starting a business of their own. Our current economy dictates that the increase in job layoffs sparked some changes in the job force. Many of those jobs will not return; thus, forcing many people in the working force to make some hard decisions as to how they are going to support themselves. It stands to reason why many would subject themselves to more punishment in the working force. From my standpoint, I feel that it is far more riskier to work at a job than to have your own home based business. But what do I know? I have only been working for over 20 plus years and been through 6 layoffs.
Many companies that are planning to downsize keep it a secret and then when their employees least expect it, employers begin their layoffs. I hate this. Each time I was laid off, I cried. I remember the feelings of depression, sadness, and fear of not being able to pay my bills. These experiences have left me not trusting companies. I now watch for signs and have gotten very good at detecting upcoming problems within the company.
Because of my experiences in downsizing, I have decided that I don’t ever want to go through another one, so my plan is to get out of working for other people and just work for myself.
But, back to my original question, why do so many people fear starting a business of their own? Well the biggest reason is fear; fear of risk, fear of failure. While researching this topic, I came upon an article called “Take A Risk” by Kathleen Stebbins in
In this article, Kathleen Stebbins talks about a study that was conducted by UCLA in 2007 where the brain activity of volunteers was mapped. The volunteers were presented with a variety of risky gambles. What was discovered is that some people are quite sensitive to the possibility of loss relative to gain and hence avoid risk.
Risk takers, on the other hand, were less sensitive to loss as the stakes increased, suggesting the ability to shake off an unfavorable outcome is essential to taking a risk.
It is also stated in this article that finding passion in your dreams can help pull one forward. I believe that is my current situation. I absolutely hate working for other people. I also no longer enjoy my career field which is in the technical industry. I long to be working out of my own home, doing something I enjoy, where I am in control of the events that take place in my life.
For many people, they have not found their purpose in life yet. They make money and pay their bills but they are not fulfilled; they continue on this path of being unfulfilled until they retire.
I can’t do this. Living a life where you are unfulfilled until retirement is too high of a price to pay and life is too short. I want to enjoy my life and the only way I can see to make this happen is to find a way to have my own business; doing something that I enjoy; that will allow me more freedom of time and a better quality of life. I also want to become debt free. I won’t accomplish any of while working at a job. In fact, the same holds true for most people who continue to work at a job.
If you are interested in starting your own business, I suggest you get started. Find something you are passionate about and get out there. Do not let your fear paralyze you from moving forward. There is always risk in anything you do and yes, you will encounter ups and downs during the growth of your business.
There is no way to go through life risk free, but there are ways to reduce risk:
- Start by creating a business plan; one that includes marketing strategies.
- Hire an attorney and an accountant. Make sure that the business reputations of these individuals are astounding.
- Never stop studying your craft. Read and learn as much as you can about owning and managing a business. For most entrepreneurs, this is something that should be done for the remainder of the time that they are in business for themselves.
- Get more involved in personal development. Focus on things that motivate and inspire you.
Those who risk, win!
Lawren Smith is a member of MLMLeadSystemPro and CarbonCopyPro. She writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Lead Generaion & Sales Funnel Tool
A Business For The Serious Entrepreneur
Posted by Lawren Smith at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Secrets To Succeed In Network Marketing
Guide To Marketing Success
Generate Success Online
There are quite a few network marketers who want to be successful. Some are afraid to take the steps towards achieving success. Why? There could be a number of reasons. One reason could be that they are afraid of success or maybe they are afraid of failure or a combination of both.
The road towards succeeding in network marketing first begins with the realization that achieving is an ongoing process. It takes time because you will be required to develop new skills. The process of learning new skills can happen very quickly. This does not mean that it happens in one day nor in one week. The process to learn what needs to be done and to begin applying what you have learned can happen in a matter of 4 or 5 days.
This is something you, as a network marketer, need to understand. A lot of your education in network marketing comes from trial and error. This is because your education comes through your application of what you have learned, the mistakes you make, the gain that you achieve should be mentally noted because events that occur during the process of your learning will happen repeatedly.
The thing about network marketing, once you have started recruiting, building, managing, leading, persuading, closing, and etc, those steps become ingrained in your brain to the point where nothing knocks you off balance. You have become so solid in terms of what you can expect, your output and your ability to work, to be disciplined, has become so fine-tuned.
The thing about network marketing, getting results, succeeding in this business is not a talent. It is a craft. Believing that succeeding in network marketing is a God-Given talent; nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t have to be gifted to get positive results and make big money. Network marketing is a learned craft. It can be taught and learned. It can be practiced and it can be perfected in a very short amount of time.
Anybody, this includes you, as long as you are willing and committed, you can improve in getting results and succeeding in network marketing.
The learning curve can be quick and short but only if you take the leap to get the education, to retain the information through repetitious learning, and then applying it.
One of the things is that network marketers seem to have a difficult time prioritizing. It is critical that you, as a business owner, establish, either in writing or in your mind, the important things that need to be done and to do those things first.
First, you have to get educated. After getting the education, you then apply what you have learned. If you don’t get the results you are looking for, and that you know other people are getting better results than you, then you must go back and analyze your numbers.
It is ridiculous that smart people routinely screw up the steps that are necessary to achieve success in network marketing. Often it stems from the choices you make and the thoughts that go on in one’s head that cause people to fail in network marketing. Taking the leap towards success is the choice we make starting now, today! You know whether you need to be educated. You also know whether the information is retained in your head. Once it is, apply it.
Lawren Smith is a member of MLMLeadSystemPro and CarbonCopyPro. She writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Lead Generaion & Sales Funnel Tool
A Business For The Serious Entrepreneur
Posted by Lawren Smith at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: lawren smith, network marketing, succeed in network marketing
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How to Be Successful at Network Marketing?
Copyright © Lawren Smith
Guide To Marketing Success
If you are just starting an online network marketing business or you are just interested in boosting your network marketing business, this guide will hopefully help you.
First I will mention the steps one should take to be successful in network marketing.
- Get A Mentor
- Select Advertising Methods that Interest You the Most
- Get into Action
- Learn
- Practice what you’ve learned
- Be Creative
I have been in the network marketing business for only four months, but I have been a member of an MLM for almost four years. In each case, I had and currently have a mentor. I don’t think many people realize the importance of mentoring.
When you are starting a network marketing business, you will need someone to help guide you. You will not do well without a mentor. A mentor is usually someone who has already been through what you are currently going through. Therefore, it is wise to listen and follow your mentor’s instructions. In other words, you must be teachable. Your mentor is there to help and support you.
For those who are not familiar with the aspects of a network marketing business, it is wise to join one that offers a great deal of mentoring. Not only can a mentor guide you through the various aspects of the business, he or she can also provide motivation; which you will find you will need as you are building your network marketing business. Once you have the right mentoring, you can proceed to the next step: Selecting the right advertising methods for you.
Select Your Advertising Methods
There are many ways to advertise your business. If you are new to advertising, it can be confusing as well as overwhelming. Take some time to first learn about the different ways of advertising. Your mentor can be a big help in your decision process of selecting the most effective advertising as well as selecting methods that are most comfortable for you.
I always suggest selecting at least three advertising methods. This way, if one or two are not working, you will at least have one that is working. Once you have your three methods of advertising, you are ready to proceed to the next step: Get into Action.
Get into Action
When selecting an advertising method, the first thing to do is learn an advertising method; meaning read the materials on the subject. If you need help, use your mentor. He or she should be able to point you in the right direction to help get you started. Your mentor will more than likely train you on a number of advertising methods. Then once you have learned, put the advertising method into practice. Use the advertising method until you fully understand it. Once you feel comfortable with one advertising method, move on to another advertising method. You should continue to use the first advertising method, learning another one. At some point you will incorporate the newer method of advertising into your advertising arsenal.
Continue to do this until you have at least three methods of advertising. You can have more than three, but if you are new to network marketing, I suggest just doing the three for now until you understand the network marketing business. Once you have acquired a better understanding of everything, you can add more methods of advertising to help grow your business, but don’t overwhelm yourself. Just do enough advertising and advertise consistently should be more than enough to grow your business. Give a method of advertising at least 90 days to work. If one is not working well at that time, replace it with something else. Continue to do this until you have at least three that you know are working well for you.
As an online internet marketer, you need to be committed to ensuring your success. Remember, no one else but you can give yourself the necessary motivation needed to push yourself ahead. If you stick to your daily plan of activities, you can ensure your success. This means taking out the time each day to work on your internet business – stay consistent.
Lawren Smith is a member of MLMLeadSystemPro and CarbonCopyPro. She writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Generate More Cash & More Leads For Your Business
A Business For The Serious Entrepreneur
Posted by Lawren Smith at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Build A Business By Building Relationships First
Copyright © Lawren Smith
Generate Success Online
Guide 2 Marketing Success
Today, I had a very interesting conversation with someone online. I would like to share with you the topic of our conversation and what one should learn from this conversation.
I met this person through a social networking site, which will remain nameless. This individual, I shall refer to as “Bob”, is involved with a MLM. He is very passionate about his business, which I believe one must be if he or she is to be successful in any business. I like this person’s mindset because he is very personable, but also a go-getter, which is another necessary characteristic for someone who is trying to establish a home business for himself or herself.
Apparently, Bob had a conversation with a woman who has expressed a strong dislike for MLM’s. Now, in the various conversations I have had with Bob, he has never tried to recruit me into his business. This is not his style, nor is it mine, which is probably why we get along. He told me that he did not try to recruit her but he mentioned to this woman that he is involved in an MLM and I assume she figured this was the basis of their conversation.
In response to Bob’s business and his honesty about his association with an MLM, she shared her story about why she did not like MLM’s. Apparently, in the past, she has been involved in various MLM companies, but she became disenchanted with MLM’s, network marketing companies because of the way in which many members of MLM’s tend to promote their business.
She said that many people in MLM are all about selling their products and promoting their business opportunity without any adherence to the individual with whom they are speaking. Many members of MLM’s spend very little time listening to their prospects. Instead, they spend much of the time talking and trying to sell the prospect on the products, services, or business opportunity of their respective MLM, or network marketing company.
It was based on her experiences with MLM’s that she has decided to never venture back into the world of MLM’s or network marketing and I can vehemently understand her objections and perception about many MLM’s.
She, unfortunately, has had the displeasure of dealing with individuals who use the wrong approach in trying to build a business. The first thing one should learn, once he or she has made the decision to start a home business, is that building relationships with your prospects should come first. Why? Most people prefer to associate with people whom they trust. Building trust with people takes time. It is ok to let them know that you are involved in an MLM, but it is not ok to then go in for the kill; meaning start bombarding the prospect with your business opportunity or the products and services it has to offer. Keep in mind, most people, especially those on the internet, are constantly being bombarded with messages from people who want to sell them on a business opportunity or have them purchase the products and services. It is then, not a surprise, why most people do not like to be sold to.
By focusing on the relationship and learning more about the prospect and what their interests are makes them feel as if you care about who they are and about what they think. This also sets you apart from most other people on the internet whose actions display otherwise. By building trust and building a relationship, you also earn their respect. One example I can share with you is when I send messages to members in my FaceBook group, rarely do I talk about my business. Most times I share information, or a personal development message or something other than my business. I have had a number of responses from people telling me that they would feel more comfortable joining my business than anyone else’s because I don’t just talk about my business.
Building relationships and establishing a reputation as someone who genuinely cares about the other person will, indirectly, help you with your business. Because then you are giving people an opportunity to get to know who you are. Most people find other people far more interesting than the business itself. Thus, once they get to know who you are and what you are about, they will more than likely want to know more about your other interests, such as, your business opportunity.
In the end, both Bob and the woman came to an understanding. Bob, has accepted the fact that this woman is not interested in his business and never will be, but this does not deter Bob from wanting to talk to her. He still wants to remain friends with this person because he genuinely cares about who she is and her interests. The woman in turn also accepts the fact that Bob is involved in an MLM but she also has learned that Bob is not interested in selling her his business opportunity. He just wants to be her friend. Thus, the relationship building continues and even if it Bob does get her to join him in his business opportunity, he now has made a new friend and, to Bob, this is what having a business is all about, building positive relationships with people you encounter along the way during the business building process.
In conclusion, and I will often say this, people will only stay around when they feel that their needs are being met. Your business is not about you, but about those you serve.
Lawren Smith is a member of MLMLeadSystemPro and CarbonCopyPro. She writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Automated Marketing System
A Business For The Serious Entrepreneur
Posted by Lawren Smith at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: business opportunity, lawren smith, mlm lead system pro, network marketing, network marketing companies
Friday, February 6, 2009
Failures Can Be Good Teachers
Copyright © Lawren Smith
Guide 2 Marketing Success
Generate Success Online
When I started my first home business, I was not sure what I was getting myself into. In fact, when I joined my first MLM company, almost six years ago, I paid over $4K, to start at the top level. that night, I could not sleep. I was very excited about starting my own business, but I was also very scared. I knew nothing about operating my own business. There was one thought in my mind, "Did I make the right decision?".
One of the first things I learned was that it was not going to be easy. I put out tons of fliers. I passed an tons of business cards. I talked to as many people as I could and even got kicked out a number of parking lots. I also attended all of my trainings and seminars. I was doing exactly what my upline had been taught me.
Despite all of my work and efforts, I still could not get anyone interested in my products or my business opportunity. I did not understand why. The products and the company were great, I thought. When I expressed my situation to my upline, he just said, "Keep going. You need to do more."
And, I did. I continued and worked hard on developing my business. After six months, I recruited a few individuals and began to sell some products. It was not long after this initial progress that things seemingly improved. I had started to make some money and my business was picking up, but I was still spending more money or just breaking even. I just could not get over that hump.
Over the next few years, I had come to a realization that I was no where near where I needed to be. I wanted to be running my own business full-time. I did not understand why this was not happening.
After almost four years, I decided to look for another business opportunity and this was a hard choice for me to make. I did not want to give up on something I had worked so hard on. I failed my first business and I felt overcome with anxiety. Failure is not a reality I took well. Again, the same question popped in my mind, "Did I make the right choice?"
Fast forward to the present. When I reflect on my years in the home business industry, I now recognize what was going on in the early days of starting my own business. I was going through a learning phase. When one starts a business, whether that business is a brick and mortar business or a home business, there is going to be a lot of growing pains.
I have learned a lot about running a business and I have become quite skilled in marketing, but in the beginning, I had no knowledge and no marketing skills, no skills period.
Another fact is that the marketing methods I used early on, can work, but I was not successful at it because it did not fit my personality. Being an introvert and someone who never felt comfortable talking face-to-face with people always made me feel stressed. And, this leads to my last and probably one of the more important reasons for failing my first business opportunity. I was taught to talk to as many people as possible. In other words, sell, sell, sell.
My upline often told me that marketing was a numbers game. The more people I talked to, the more success I would attain in my business. He was right, about this being a numbers game, but it was the methods used that were a detriment to my success. You see, I had been taught pretty much to "slam people to the wall and see which ones stick." Actually, a friend of mine gave me this analogy, but this analogy was right on target.
Today, I learned that this business is not about selling your products, services, or even your business opportunity. In fact, most people do no like to be sold to. If you are going to sell anything, it should be you that you should be selling. Why? Well, because people join people, not businesses. To sell yourself, you offer value to others in need. The value that you offer is your knowledge and experience in business. By doing this, you display your leadership and people love to follow leaders. This will also set you apart from those who sell, sell, sell... This is what is known as "attraction marketing". A concept developed by Mike Dillard.
Since implementing "attraction marketing", as part of my business practices, I have attained much more success than ever before. I have also discovered that I am enjoying my business much more so than in the past. I believe that if you have a business of your own, enjoying it is key because, first, it makes your home business feel less like a job and second, you are more likely to stick around and work on your business because you are enjoying it.
In conclusion, having your own business is a lot of work. If you are just starting a new business, and you have never had a business before, expect some painful growing pains. This is just the nature of the beast. There is a lot to learn, even for the more experienced. Learning is always going to be part of the life of an entrepreneur. There is no graduation for us. Those individuals who are just starting out with a business, I advise to spend most of the time learning as much as you can about business, and focus on developing your skills in sells, communication, and marketing. Once you do, success will not be far behind. Without these skills, you will not get far in your business.
Also, once you have acquired the skills and knowledge, you can then share them with other entrepreneurs. There are so many who will be in need of your knowledge and your experience. Believe me, the more you help others, the more you will be rewarded for your generosity. Soon, you too will discover the benefits of "attraction marketing" and hopefully, realize that failure was not such a bad thing. It can be a great teacher. When you are going through your daily struggles within your business, keep this in mind, "The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people have failed more."
Lawren Smith is a member of MLMLeadSystemPro and CarbonCopyPro. She writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Become A Master Marketer
A Business For The Serious Entrepreneur
Posted by Lawren Smith at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: attraction marketing, business opportunity, home business, lawren smith, Mike Dillard
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Introduction To Lawren Smith
Copyright © Lawren Smith
EZ MLM Profits
Generate Success Online
Who am I? Well read on and you shall find out.
I am a software developer and a network marketer. I have been involved in online marketing for about one year now.
I grew up in Long Beach California. As a teenager, I was an athlete. I played sports much of my life. My first love in sports was basketball, but after a bad experience in junior high school, I quit basketball. After being introduced to tennis by my father, I started to play tennis competitively. I was the number one tennis player at my high school and one of the top ranked junior tennis players in California.
I attended University of California Berkeley. My dream was to be a doctor. My initial major was biophysics. Actually, I hated physics. I believe I was influenced into choosing biophysics because of a boy I ended up dating for a number of years.
After almost 4 years at U.C. Berkeley, I became very ill and had to leave. I was informed by my doctors that I had lymphoma, which is cancer of the lymph nodes. At the time, I was twenty-five years old.
After a year, my health had improved enough where I was able to finish my college education. I received a bachelor of science degree in mathematics. After graduating college, I went one year to graduate school, but had to stop because of personal problems at home.
It was after graduating college that I ventured into computers. I had a pretty successful career in computers. I spent much of my career developing software written in various programming languages. I started out as a junior programmer and worked my way up to a senior developer and technical lead. It was at the height of my career that things started to take its turn for the worse.
After ten years or so working in the computer field, the downsizings started to take place. After being downsized a third time, and other events that had taken place during my career, I decided that I no longer wanted to work for anybody anymore. But I had no idea what I wanted to do.
After spending some time doing research, looking for something that could replace my career, I discovered the home business industry, MLM, network marketing businesses. Thus, began my adventures in the home business industry.
My first introduction into the home business industry was affiliate marketing. Because I had no help or training from anyone, I failed miserably.
It was soon after this that I was introduced to an MLM. The company was involved in the health and wellness industry. I had some training, but the trainings focused on talking to my warm market, putting out fliers, home parties, placing ads in newspapers, and more. All of which got my business going but eventually those individuals that joined did not stay long. After almost four years, I left this MLM in search of another business opportunity.
During my search for another home business opportunity, I decided to focus on a business that dealt more with the computers. This is because of my background in computers and my comfort level with the computer. I tried a couple of companies and failed again. It was after a number of failures that I began to evaluate why I was not finding success with any of the companies. After much thought I knew it was because I was not being taught properly how to market my business online.
Thus, my search for another home business focused on joining a home business that would specifically teach me the proper methods of marketing a business online. It was during the summer of 2007 I found one. Being the "go-getter" that I am, I was soon one of the top performers in the company. I had learned quickly the marketing techniques and my business looked to be moving in the right direction. But, after a year, I noticed that I was not growing anymore. At this time, I knew I needed more training and the current company was not giving me the training I knew I needed. So, I began looking for another company.
It was in October 2008 that I discovered MLMLeadSystemPro ( Wow! I knew instantly, based on the video trainings and the skill levels of the owners of this company, that I was going to achieve the goals I had set for myself five years ago; to be able to walk away from my career and spend more time doing things I enjoyed the most. Much has happened during the brief time I have been with MLMLeadSystemPro and I realize that the best is yet to come.
Besides the network marketing business, I also owns a real estate investment company called, LAS Investments, LLC. I currently own six properties, five single family homes and a triplex. I have a property management company managing my properties.
I have set many goals. One of my goals involves growing my network marketing company and eventually incorporating both my real estate investment company and my network marketing company under one business establishment. Possibly a C-Corp or an S-Corp. In regards to my real estate business, I want to focus more on commercial properties; such as apartment complexes, storage facilities, and start investing in tax lien certificates.
Once I have reached my goal of at least getting my network marketing business up and running, I want to be able to not only spend time with my family, but also get back to her drawing and painting, playing her guitars, martial arts, and watching those beautiful sunsets over the ocean again.
Lawren Smith is a member of MLMLeadSystemPro and CarbonCopyPro. She writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Learn To Become a Master Marketer from
Business For The Serious Entrepreneur
Posted by Lawren Smith at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: home business, lawren smith, mlm lead system pro, mlmleadsystempro, network marketing, network marketing business